patient information
Phase 1: The basic treatment
A prerequisite for periodontal therapy is that the visible tooth surfaces are free of plaque and that the patient practices careful dental care.
Only then is there a chance of success and the real treatment to clear the inflammation can begin.
Phase 2: Surgical Interventions
Surgical interventions are necessary if the gingival pockets are particularly deep or if the basic therapy has not led to an improvement in individual cases.
They can also be used to rebuild lost tissue.
Phase 3: Aftercare
Periodontitis is a chronic disease. Anyone who has ever suffered from it must take permanent follow-up care.
The cornerstones here too: consistent oral hygiene, check-ups by the dentist and regular professional tooth cleaning
- several times a year if necessary.
Praxisteam Dr. Nina Lange-Pörtner
Dental surgery
Dr. med. dent. Nina Lange
Jakob Lengfelder Str. 20,
61352 Bad Homburg, Ober Eschbach
Phone: 06172-458 159
Fax: 06172-458 634